Let's get together, enjoy tasty treats, and raise money for cancer research, prevention and support.
Donation: $5 at the door - At the Victor Harbor High School Hospitality Unit.
RSVP: Tues 26th May, ph 8551 1900
Let's get together, enjoy tasty treats, and raise money for cancer research, prevention and support.
Donation: $5 at the door - At the Victor Harbor High School Hospitality Unit.
RSVP: Tues 26th May, ph 8551 1900
Copyright © 2019-2021. Victor Harbor High School. All rights reserved. Phone: (08) 8551 1900
CRICOS Number: 00018A Address: 3 George Main Road, Victor Harbor SA 5211
CRICOS Name: Department for Education t/a South Australian Government Schools