Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)


Dear parents, guardians and carers

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling

  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional

  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools

  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools

  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact me at the Victor Harbor High School on (08) 8551 1900 or email

Yours sincerely

Lindsey Cowper, Assistant Principal Inclusion     

SPELD SA Free Parent Workshops In Mount Compass


SPELD SA is pleased to be able to share a free rural and regional event that will be held in Mount Compass on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th July 2020, at the Mount Compass Memorial Hall, 5 Peters Terrace, Mount Compass, SA, 5210. The 6 free workshops are suitable for parents of children in preschool, junior, primary and secondary school. Numbers are limited, so book early. Some workshops are repeated on the second day.

Please share with family, friends and SSOs; teachers and other professionals welcome. Note content is directed at parents.

For bookings

Health Care Plans for VHHS Students

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Dear Families

Victor Harbor High School is currently updating and reviewing the Health Care Plans
for students. This review should be updated yearly with a medical professional.

These plans may be for asthma, hay fever, allergies or a non-specific condition which
requires medication or intervention.

To assist with this, we ask all families who have a child/young person with a health condition to review their health care plans with their doctor or health care professional and forward a copy of this to the school. These documents are available from the Department for Education  website or by contacting Student Services on 8551 1912.

Please return these plans to Student Services so our records can be updated.

Thank you for your co-operation.

VHHS Intensive Learning Programs for 2020

Students at Victor Harbor High School will be involved in the intensive education program over the semester change in Term 2. During week 8 and 9 (15 to 26 June 2020), students in year 8 – 11 will participate in an intensive learning program that replaces their usual learning program. See links below for more information

Senior student program 2020

Year 8 and Year 8 student program 2020


What: The University of Adelaide Online Parent Information Session

When: Wednesday May 27th from 6pm

Register online:

We are pleased to present an online opportunity for parents, caregivers and families of high school students to meet expert staff from the Domestic Recruitment Team at The University of Adelaide and hear information about future tertiary applications.

At our 2020 Parents Information Sessions you will be able to hear about our alternative entry pathway for 2021 admission, degree choices, SATAC procedures, timelines, support services, accommodation, and everything else that is involved in the lead up to life at university.

There will also be a chance for you to ask questions or discuss anything else that we might be able to help you with.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,

Domestic Recruitment Team

The University of Adelaide

Preparing for remote learning - SchoolTV special report

"With many countries implementing preventative measures in the spread of COVID-19, homeschooling may be inevitable for many families. This may be daunting and disruptive for many parents as they try to also juggle their work responsibilities.

In this Special Report, adult carers will be provided with some guidelines on how to navigate this time of transition"


COVID-19 readiness - a SACE Board message to schools

Dear teachers and leaders (and parents)

I want to outline the SACE Board's current key message to schools, teachers, parents and students as we grapple with the COVID-19 coronavirus, and its effects on our daily lives.

We are all feeling the uncertainty of the situation and every one of you will be thinking about how you can support students to be successful. We will work with you, and provide the flexibility and support as necessary to enable this to happen.

More info

A message from the SACE Board Chief Executive.jpg

Coronavirus COVID-19 - Update 17 March 2020

Good morning VHHS families and community 

Victor Harbor High School is open for learning. We will continue to inform families through updates via our social media (Face Book, School Stream, website) as soon as we receive them from the Department for Education.

During this time of unprecedented events, we understand that some families have decided to self-quarantine in the interests of all students and staff health and safety. If your child presents as unwell at school or gets sick during the day they will need to be collected as soon as possible. This applies to staff who are unwell. In the meantime, school remains a place where we have all students and staffs’ health and safety as a top priority.

At Victor Harbor High School, we have Daymap, supported by OneNote that enables our students to continue their learning, regardless of the situation. If you decide to keep your student home, please check these learning platforms for subject work. 

If you are taking a decision to self- quarantine, please contact your child’s House Leader for a 14-day Exemption.

Inman: Ian Milne

Hindmarsh: Phil Boyle

Murray: Rebecca Morrison

Finniss: Angie Prime

If you require specific information regarding your child’s learning, House Leaders are available through Daymap.

Inman: Ian Milne

Hindmarsh: Phil Boyle

Murray: Rebecca Morrison

Finniss: Angie Prime

Yours sincerely

Amanda O’Shea


Coronavirus COVID-19 – Management Strategies in Place as of 16 March 2020

Dear Families

As you are aware, the Australian Government has advised that all organised, non-essential static mass  gatherings attended by more than 500 people must be cancelled from Monday 16 March 2020.

In schools with more than 500 students and staff (VHHS enrolment is 748), principals have been asked to review internal school operations and consider the following social distancing strategies:

  • Staggered lunch (& recess) breaks

  • postponing full school assemblies

  • postponing other large in-school student gatherings/events.

  • critically examine the need to hold events and gatherings and consider postponing those that aren’t necessary

  • smaller events that are necessary should be complemented with extra attention to health and hygiene measures

  • cancel all visits to nursing homes and care facilities

  • review the need to host visitors for occasions, such as special person days and Harmony Day.

In the coming days the Department for Education will provide information on preparations for continuation of student learning in the event students or teachers are required to self-isolate, and staff leave arrangements. These directions are about supporting the effort to contain and slow the spread of COVID-19. As a school we
understand the vital role we play in assisting our communities to contain the virus.

Personal hygiene and the hygiene standards in all preschools and schools are critical to reducing the risk of infection.

Staff are consistently reminding all students to:

  • wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating

  • cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or elbow

  • avoid spreading infections to others by staying home if they are unwell

All children, students and staff who are unwell with fever and/or respiratory infection should remain at home until symptoms resolve. Please contact the school as per normal absence procedures so we can update our attendance rolls.

The Department for Education is working closely with SA Health and will continue to follow their advice and guidelines. I will inform staff, students and families as regular updates become available. You can also call
the government’s coronavirus health information line on 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Until further notice the following management strategies are in place at Victor Harbor High School.

For Year 8 & 9 students:

  • To avoid congestion in the Canteen, Lessons 2 and 4 will be shortened by 5 minutes to allow students access to the canteen prior to the dismissal of Year 10, 11 & 12 students.

  • Students have been asked to use the toilet facilities attached to Building M. Soap dispensers are being checked daily.

  • Students will be requested to use the areas of the site to the North/East of the Canteen

    • The Precinct

    • Paved areas around Building M and between the Research Centre/Change rooms

    • The grass area between Research Centre/Arts and Rec Centre

For Year 10 & 11 students:

  • Lesson dismissal will be as normal

  • Students are asked to use toilet facilities opposite the Canteen. Soap dispensers are being checked daily.

  • Students will be requested to use the areas of the site to the South/West of the Canteen

    • The Front lawns

    • The Amphitheatre

    • Area between Science block and Heritage Building – new 4 square courts will be
      marked out within this area

For Year 12 students:

  • Lesson dismissal will be as normal

  • Students are asked to use toilet facilities opposite the Canteen. Soap dispensers are being
    checked daily.

  • Students are to use the Year 12 building for Independent Study sessions

  • Students are asked to use the areas of the site;

    • The Year 12 building

    • Year 12 courtyard between A21/22 and Admin

    • The Learning Street

In Addition:

  • During the lunch break the Research Centre will be able to be accessed by all student levels – staff to monitor density of students

  • Research Courtyard – not to be used

  • The use of lanyards for students leaving class will be suspended

  • All staff and students to be mindful of personal hygiene –reiterated regularly and posters in all areas of the school

  • Staff are encouraged to review future learning programs – and preparation of online resources.

For Planned Events and Excursions:

  • Previously approved events and excursions are being reviewed on a case by case basis