VHHS 8A contribution to a global project

View Victor Harbor High School’s 8A contribution to a global project: “This Extraordinary Environment Artwork Premier”


This project was created by the Asia Education Foundation Bridge School Partnerships program and has brought together projects from a diverse number of schools from across the world. The aim was to creatively represent an environmental issue; we are really proud to share the work of 8A.

VHHS Governing Council - 2021


Welcome to the Governing Council News post. This link will provide regular updates on items discussed at meetings.

  • The Governing Council met on 10 February to discuss school activities and plans for the coming year. The members were delighted to hear that student leadership received over 100 nominations, which is wonderful to know so many students are interested in having a say about their school. We look forward to a healthy representation of student leaders on the Governing Council for 2021.

  • With several parent members finishing their 2-year tenure, we would like to invite parents to consider nominating for a role on the Council. It is a great opportunity to be part of your student’s school and have a voice.

  • We are also excited to invite a new community representative to join the Council this year. This is a role which allows for community collaboration and building links to support the students’ wellbeing and engagement.

  • Please contact the Governing Council for more information at dl.0799.govcouncil@schools.sa.edu.au

  • Keep up to date with school news through the school’s website, Facebook page and Daymap.

VHHS Governing Council AGM to be held 10 March 2021 at 7pm in Staff Lounge at Victor Harbor High School. New or interested parents are more than welcome to attend.

School Communication Channels - Services reviewed

To all families who have been accessing our School Stream app, we would like to advise that we have discontinued this service.

The majority of our communications for families are available via our school website, Daymap learner management system and to a lesser extent Facebook and hard copy.

We would encourage all families to ensure you have access to Daymap where you can find information regarding your child’s timetable, attendance, assessment tasks, student reports and school letters. You can also check your own student’s contact details and make contact with their House Teacher with any queries or concerns.

Please see this link for Daymap portal log in

If you have any queries or suggestions about our communications to families please lodge your response via our website contact us

VHHS Sports Day - 4 March 2021

VHHS will be holding our annual Sports Day on 4 March.

Thank you for your support in encouraging your students to take part in the Sports Day activities and events.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing management of COVID-19, entry to our school facilities for families and friends to join in this event will not be possible.

Thank you for continuing to keep our community safe.

VHHS School Photo Day

Dear Families

School Photo and Student ID Day

School photo day will be held on Monday 8 February 2021, with a catch up day being held on Thursday 18 February 2021.

School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.

advancedlife now offers Latitude Pay! To take advantage of LatitudePay and split the cost of your order into 10 small easy payments, simply order your school photos online as usual, set up a Latitude Pay account in just a few clicks and pay no interest or fees when you pay according to your payment schedule; it’s that easy.

3 easy ways to purchase:

  1. LatitudePay – Click on the link below, set up an account during the online order process and split your payments across 10 weeks with no interest or fees, if you pay on time

  2. Visa, MasterCard or PayPal

  3. Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day

Click here to order online or visit https://www.advancedimage.com.au and enter the code XRQ 78M LKF (links will open in a new window).

School photography information:

Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school

Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Spare order envelopes are available from Student Services.

Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately

Package delivery - photographic packages will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken

Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the 'previous years or group photo' tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the 'Order School Photos Here' button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past

advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Victor Harbor High School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at: www.advancedlife.com.au/contact

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Sweet at Student Services on 8551 1912 or Advanced Life Photography directly on 8127 3049.

VHHS Year 8 Camp - update

Dear VHHS Year 8 Families

Unfortunately, due to venue COVID-19 capacity restrictions, we have cancelled the overnight camp for Year 8 students. 

Instead we are running a full day of activities, incorporating aquatics, as part of the ‘getting to know each other’ focus. 

Finniss and Murray house will run their day of activities on Monday 1 February. Hindmarsh and Inman house will run theirs on Tuesday 2 February 2021.

Your child will need to bring gear for aquatics, including Sun Safe protection (hat, sunscreen, etc). 

Lunch will be provided by the school, however, if your child usually eats at recess, they will need to bring that for themselves.  Students will need a bottle of water, as they will need to drink during the day. There are no nearby shops, so they are not able to purchase food and drink. 

Lunch will be Subway wrap(s) or roll(s), biscuit, can of drink or carton of juice and an ice block. 

Students will be transported to and from the venue and will return to school for usual dismissal time.  

School uniform is not required for the day. 

Thank you

VHHS House Leaders

First school day – student meeting areas

Year 8 students to meet on grassed area between school and Recreation Centre with Mr Harris for directions.

Year 9 to Year 12 students to make their way to the following areas:

·         Hindmarsh – G block with Mr Boyle

·         Inman – Recreation Centre with Mr Milne

·         Finniss – Upstairs M block with Ms Prime

·         Murray – Upstairs M block with Ms Morrison

·         Stage 2 – Senior School wing with Ms Leske

·         Wellbeing & Transition Hub – Victoria Street campus with Ms Verco

·         Special Education and Special Class - Disability Unit with Ms Height

New or lost students, can report to Administration Office for assistance.

Welcome to VHHS for 2021

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We are very excited to welcome all new and existing students to the 2021 school year, starting on Wednesday 27 January. School starts at 8:50am sharp. Teacher supervision commences at 8:30am.

Please visit the New Families section to find information to help you prepare for the start of school, including bus timetables, stationery lists and school fee information.

Student Subjects 2021 - update

To assist with forward planning, Student Timetables are now available on Daymap.

Please note: final details may still change as enrolments, teachers, and class placements are confirmed.

Students wishing to make changes to their published timetables are to see their House Leaders during the first few days of the term.

Changes will not be possible until the formal start of the year. Leaders will prioritise those students with ‘blanks’ and then move to processing all other student change requests.

We look forward to welcoming all students back for the start of 2021 on 27 January.

VHHS Graduating Class of 2020

Victor Harbor High School is extremely proud of the graduating class of 2020. Our congratulations go to all students who through perseverance achieved SACE completion in what was a highly disrupted and challenging year. Special recognition goes to our 2020 Dux of the school, Mitchell Doig. He has excelled this year, along with a further 54 students who achieved one or more A-grade results in their Stage 2 subjects. The following students also achieved highly credible ATARs in the 90s and 80s; Abigail Archbold, Jessica Collins, Amber De Barro, Axel Kingston, Brooke Lang, Tika Lynch, Miranda McGivern, Emily Puckridge, Jack Read, Amber Rose, Patrick Sroka, and Brodie Vincent. Congratulations to all Stage 2 students for your extraordinary effort this year, and best wishes for your future endeavours.

2021 Materials & Services Charge Poll Results

Dear VHHS Families

Today Governing Council representatives counted the Materials and Services Charge polling votes. We are pleased to announce that the polling results for both charge notices were successful.

Therefore, the following materials and services charges amounts for the applicable year levels for the 2021 school year have been endorsed:

Year 8 & Year 9 - $623

Year 10 to Year 12 - $664 plus subject charges, if applicable

Materials and Services invoices will be issued by the school in January 2021.

Thank you, Governing Council Secretary

Rotary Festival of Christmas - 7 to 13 December 2020

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Rotary normally organise the Christmas Pageant, but due to COVID-19 they have had to cancel it this year. Instead we have organised the Festival of Christmas, from 7 to 13 December - a whole week of events, held in a COVID-safe way, with Saturday 12 December, full special Christmas Fun! You have probably seen all the posters around town and on social media.

They would like to draw special attention to the Christmas Tree Decorating competition on Saturday 12 December in Grosvenor Gardens from 2pm to 5pm.

They are really hoping families will enter as they have organised some really awesome prizes. $100 supermarket vouchers for the winners and $75 restaurant vouchers for special mentions! There are 3 different categories - traditional, Aussie and Innovative, with a winner and 2 special mentions in each category.

They are hoping these prizes will make a real difference in a familys' Christmas celebrations!

Christmas Tree Competition details