Indonesian Sister Schools

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SMP Negeri 1 Pandaan, Java

In March 2002 Indonesian students and staff from Victor Harbor High School visited Pandaan, Northern Java in Indonesia.

The purpose of this visit was to establish a Sister School Agreement between our school and SMP Negeri1 Pandaan, a high school in a small town in rural Java.  Due to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade warnings against travel to Indonesia, we have not been able to revisit our sister school since this time.

In 2009 we re-established contact with the school in Pandaan, and in 2010 we renewed this agreement and hosted a  visit to Victor Harbor High School by teachers and students from Pandaan. In September 2012 another group of teachers and students visited Victor Harbor. We hope to continue this partnership in the future.

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SMAK Kesuma Mataram, Lombok

Victor High School is a BRIDGE school (Building Relationships with Indonesia) and consequently has a sister school relationship with SMAK Kesuma Mataram in Lombok. Through this relationship VHHS has hosted visits from teachers and visits from teachers and students.

A formal agreement was signed in 2010 when the then Principal visited our school. Since that time we have hosted two visits, one in 2010 and the other in 2012. We hope to continue this fruitful liaison and even host students and teachers for a school term.

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