VHHS COVID-19 update - 7 May 2020

Dear Families

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate our way through these COVID-19 times. A special acknowledgement and many thanks to the families who have expressed their gratitude for our work in flowers, chocolates and words either written or shared. These small gestures have been greatly appreciated.

Victor Harbor High School (VHHS) remains open for all students. Attendance for weeks 1 and 2 has improved from 50% to mid-60%. We are now aiming for 85% or higher in weeks 3 and 4. With the prospect of yet another COVID-19 change being communicated on Monday 11 May, the following changes in VHHS approaches are planned for weeks 3 and 4 this term.

As of Monday May 11, (week 3), any student who has attended physically on site during the term will have their “Learning at Home” status removed (Daymap H code). We are looking forward to all students physically attending classes “at school”.

Absences due to illness or family/social commitments should be communicated to the school on a daily basis using the normal process. All other absences from school will be marked unexplained (U), until we hear from families. We acknowledge and respect each family’s decision to remain at home because there may be an issue connected to COVID-19.To avoid another survey to all families I have asked House teachers to confirm COVID-19 status with families. I encourage all families whose child continues to access “at home” learning due to COVID-19 to confirm this status with Student Services and/or the House teacher.

As of Monday 11 May we will return to the normal timetable for all year levels, with a return to “at school” face to face teaching. A dual teaching approach via technology will be at the discretion of the individual teacher. The “at home” learners” (due to COVID-19) will still be able to access learning materials via Daymap. “At home” learners are encouraged to communicate their questions for understanding via Daymap with the subject teacher.

Students returning to “at school” learning should refer to previous learning instructions previously posted on Daymap by subject teachers. Teaching staff will respond to questions for understanding.

Practical activities can re-commence with consideration and adjustments made for students still in “at home” learning mode due to vulnerable COVID-19 family circumstances.

At the time of writing, restrictions remain in place for visiting personnel unless as the principal I deem the visiting professional of great benefit to a student’s learning progress. Assemblies, camps and excursions are still restricted with no immediate change expected. Staff will still forward plan for essential camps and excursions with final approval closer to the date. Involvement in sport could change as of Monday, I will let the staff and students know if and when it does.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes please contact the school. The Teaching and Learning Guide pages 12 and 13 or the website contain more detailed school contact information.

Warm regards

Amanda O’Shea, Principal