VHHS COVID-19 update - 22 June 2020

Dear Families

More and more COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted, as of week 10 this term. I know the staff and many of our students are looking forward to greater flexibilities and the return to more interesting and engaging learning activities. Please read below detailed information about what can change with my “principal blessing”. During week 9 (23/6/2020 - 26/6/2020) we will begin preparing to ease some of the restrictions currently in place for the school. The following ways of working will be available for the start of week 10 (Monday 29 June 2020)

Physical distancing requirements remain in place for staff at VHHS

All adults must continue to follow the density and physical distancing guidelines outlined by SA Health:

·         no more than 1 person per 4-square metres in an enclosed space

·         maintain a minimum social distance of 1.5 metres.

A reminder that the AHPPC does not believe that it’s appropriate or practical for students and children to maintain physical distancing requirements in classrooms or corridors.

From Monday 29 June, there will be no cap on the number of people in 1 room, however the above physical distancing and room density requirements must be followed by adults e.g. staff meetings. This means we will continue to “ZOOM” Monday Briefings and where possible and appropriate other required meetings.

As of week 10 (Monday 29 June), the following activities can resume providing government health advice and physical distancing requirements are strictly followed:

·         parents, volunteers, departmental support and other service providers may again enter school and preschool grounds. All external service providers and volunteers must complete the site access form on entry

·         school assemblies

·         class photos

·         all intrastate camps and excursions

·         all school sport competitions, sports days and carnivals, including inter-school competitions (use of change rooms and shower facilities is not permitted)

·         inter-school choirs, bands and other performing art activities

·         school formals

·         larger face-to-face professional learning activities.

From term 3, schools will no longer be required to report on daily staff working arrangements.

Please note that this is a list of activities that can recommence at the discretion of the site leader.

Requirements that remain in place

·         It’s important that students and staff stay home if they are unwell.

·         Physical contact (even between students) must be limited. Non-physical greetings should be encouraged.

·         Daily student attendance reporting for all schools must continue to be reported by 4pm each day, and weekly for preschools.

·         School, visits to nursing homes cannot recommence.

·         The general public should not access school playgrounds or play equipment.

·         Parents must continue to physical distance, including at school pick up and drop off.

·         Interstate and overseas travel remains on hold.

While all SA borders will open on 20 July, the department will consult with SA Health regarding interstate school camps and provide further advice to schools.

Current school arrangements (until 29 June)

A reminder that essential service staff (including departmental supports) can attend schools, at the request of the principal, and/or education director. Online or remote site supports are encouraged to proceed where it is appropriate.

This is likely to include psychologists, speech pathologists, social workers, curriculum and school improvement support, and any other service that is vital to the health, wellbeing and learning outcomes of our students.

Vulnerability to COVID-19

Employees and students who are considered vulnerable to COVID-19 should consult their medical practitioner when deciding to return to the workplace or school/preschool.

Stay Safe

Amanda O’Shea, Principal