VHHS 2022 Year 9 to 11 students – Information and Support

Welcome back to the 2022 VHHS school year

As has been circulated via the school website, Facebook and Instagram pages, you will be aware of the plan for staged return to school for the first two weeks of Term 1.

Years 9, 10, and 11 students accessing online learning are expected to engage meaningfully with their learning as outlined in the VHHS Teaching and Learning Guide available on our school website. Students of essential workers, or those who are vulnerable, are welcome at school, where they will be supervised as they complete their remote learning program.

To support Year 9 to Year 11 students who will be learning remotely, VHHS House Teachers will be contacting each family very soon. The focus of their initial contact with you will be to introduce themselves and outline their role. They will provide you with their contact details which may include calling the school, email and Daymap. House Teachers will be your first point of contact at the school. They will be able to help answer your questions/concerns and provide further support.

Families with Year 9 to Year 11 students new to VHHS will receive individual emails with their log in details for Daymap and Microsoft 365. If new students or those existing VHHS students who have purchased new devices and need IT assistance to connect to VHHS, please email dl.0799.ictsupport@schools.sa.edu.au or phone (08) 8551 1932 for an appointment.

We encourage you to reach out and have regular communication with your child’s House Teacher to promote positive connections between home and school.