Year 11 Tourism - Working in the Tourism Industry- Barista Experience!

Year 11 Tourism students have this term been learning about the nature of work in the tourism industry, researching a specific tourism related career and preparing for 'mock interviews' creating resumes, cover letters, undertaking company research and interview preparation skills. Along with this, students have had some barista / coffee making experience, which can now be added to resumes! 

 Thanks to Pre-service teacher Miss Ling for sharing your expertise from many years working at local well know coffee establishments. All students have described the procedure, trial and error researched to improve and were able to make a delicious coffee with some practice.  

 A HUGE thank-you to Dorcen Waters at  KOMMON GROUNDS COFFEE for very kindly and generously donating not one but two bags of delicious 1kg Coffee beans for students to trial with. Staff - watch this space as coffees will be available for purchase in the coming weeks with some fundraising initiative by school world Challenge team