VHHS Year 7 and 8 IT start of year requirements

Happy new year and a big welcome to our new students starting at Victor Harbor High School in 2022.

 Just a quick note regarding some of the start to the year procedures with our IT systems for our new students. VHHS is a BYOD (bring your own device) school.

 During Week 1, we are running an orientation program for our new students, part of which will include sessions with our IT staff that will support students through the process to access our IT system. This will include access to the full Office 365 suite of learning tools.

 Please make sure your students bring their devices during Week 1 as these sessions will be on a rotational process to support the double intake of students in 2022. If you need more information on which type of device to purchase, please head to our website and find the BYOD tab https://www.vhhs.sa.edu.au/byod.