Are you applying for university for 2023 or supporting someone who is?

UniSA webinars provide students and their families with information needed to study at UniSA.

Webinars include;

  • Supporting your child’s journey to university

  • Applying and ordering preferences

  • Information and Advice for regional Families

Upon registering for a webinar, you will receive a confirmation email. Closer to the date a link to join the webinar will be sent.

For more information visit: UniSA Webinars - Study at UniSA - University of South Australia

Wanted: Homestay Families for VHHS

International students are back and we are looking for host families to be a part of their journey.
If you are after a rewarding experience that could change the life of a young person studying abroad, then our homestay program is perfect for you and your family.

If you are interested in becoming a Homestay family, please head to our website for further details, or contact the VHHS International Education Support team on 8551 1912.

Host an International Student — Victor Harbor High School | Victor Harbor SA (

VHHS Guest speaker - Dr Sarah Cannard, Female Space Leader of the Year 29/3/2022

‘Dr Sarah Cannard has been named the Female Space Leader of the Year at the prestigious Australian Space Awards’ (The Advertiser, 26 March 2022) AND she will be speaking to VHHS female students tomorrow!

The Fleurieu Peninsula ZONTA club has organised an opportunity for all female students of VHHS to hear from Dr Cannard, especially those interested in Science, Technology or Space pathways. This seminar will be held onsite in G7 from 11am to 12pm.

If your student is interested in attending this session, please ask them to check into House time and then make their way over to G7. All year levels welcome.
Ms Peterson

For a little more information about Dr Cannard, please see Victor Harbor Times item below

VHHS new buildings update

Hi VHHS Families

Exciting news with our new facilities nearing completion in the factory ready for installation at VHHS. This will bring 3 new learning spaces to our site, along with new bathrooms for our students. The Kullaroo Road site will soon be a hive of action with the modules scheduled for delivery on Thursday 31 March and Friday 1 April. During this time, Kullaroo Road will be reduced to a one way street managed by traffic controllers.

Please consider how this may impact your school drop off and pick up routines. We look forward to sharing progress photos as the build continues.

Sports Day 2022

Sports Day 2021

Sports Day is happening tomorrow – Thursday 24/03. This is a normal school day, with students required to attend site from 8:50-3:15. Students are invited to dress in their House colours: Finniss = Red, Inman = Green, Hindmarsh = Yellow/Gold, Murray = Blue. While students are permitted to colour their hair, we ask that students apply these colours at home – they are not to be brought onto site. We discourage the use of coloured zinc and body paint as these have the potential to damage other surfaces around the site. The Canteen will be open all day for students to purchase food and drink. We are looking forward to a day of positive sporting competition!

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey

Dear Parent/Caregiver

 Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. The survey will be open in Weeks 8 to 10 of Term 1 (Monday 21 March to Friday 8 April 2022).

 Purpose of the survey

Young people’s wellbeing is an important part of how they learn at school. The survey seeks students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. Students in years 4 to 12 across the state will be invited to participate and the information collected will help the education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing.

 What is the survey about?

The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing, school relationships and engagement and learning in school, physical health and wellbeing, and after school activities.

 How will students complete the survey?

Teachers will arrange for students to do the survey during class time. They will be asked if they would like to participate and are free to withdraw at any time. If you do not want your child to participate, please contact the school as soon as possible after receiving this letter.

 Will students’ information be kept confidential?

Students’ personal information and identity will remain anonymous. Survey responses are confidential and no one (including school staff) can use the results to identify individual students. Participating schools with fewer than 5 students undertaking the survey will not receive a report of results, to protect the confidentiality of students.

 What will happen if a student is distressed during or after the survey?

The survey includes some questions on topics such as student happiness and bullying.

 Teachers will inform students that:

  • if they find the survey uncomfortable or distressing, they should leave the survey immediately

  • it is not compulsory to take part in the survey as a whole, and

  • students can skip individual survey questions if they wish.

 Students who would like to speak to an adult about any concerns they may have will be supported to do so.

 Where can I get more information?

More information on the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection can be found at or can be collected from the school.  For questions or concerns, or to view the questions, please email


Adrienne Conley, Principal

Governing Council Chairperson report - March 2022

Welcome students, families and staff to a new year! The year started differently with our year 7 and 8s taking over the school with the year 12s! From all reports this was a very profitable experience for our year 7s who began their year 7 journey at High School, the first for VHHS. Well done to all the staff, families and other students for making this process positive. So welcome year 7s of 2022. We also welcome our new principal Adrienne Conley and a long list of new teachers to VHHS. Hopefully you will get to meet them during the year. We farewelled Amanda O’Shea at the end of last year and we wish her all the best and thank her for her many years of service at VHHS. Also Nick Woodley our PCW who finished in his role after 10 years.

Secondly as a Governing Council we want to congratulate our year 12s of 2021 for completing school and doing it so well with so many outstanding results. Well done and we wish you all the best with your future endeavours.

The start of this year has been tricky in many ways for many people. The delayed start for many students, COVID restrictions, classroom contacts, COVID cases, new school and teachers and grief and loss. As a school, including the Governing Council, we try and make every attempt to assist students and their families to journey through these tricky and difficult times. Thank you for your patience and if you require assistance in any way, please contact the school or the Governing Council.

This year some areas the Governing Council will be focusing on is Social Justice funding to assist students and families who require support, Site Improvement Plan- with a focus on Literacy, Policy, Student Engagement and being a voice for parents, guardians and students. We will also be applying for grants and fundraising during the year.

To achieve these goals we need a strong, passionate and robust Governing Council made up of parents, guardians, community representatives and students.

What Is a Governing Council? - Governing Councils are bodies that govern a school or preschool. Governing Councils work with the site leader (principal or director) to help set and monitor the direction of a site. The commitment to Governing Councils is two meetings a term with a possibility of joining a Uniform, Canteen, Finance or Grounds Committee. Although you do not have to be on the Governing Council to be on these committees. Other roles include Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary as well as possibly being on an interview panel and involving the local community.

If you want to make a difference in the life of your local school where your student/s attends or support and represent students and families and teachers, then come on board. All you need to do is send your nomination by email to and tell them you are interested or visit the school website, download the application and drop it off at the school ASAP. Alternatively, you can attend the Governing Council AGM on 16 March at 7:00pm online and nominate during the meeting. A strong and effective committee is one that has clear goals and is made up of diverse voices.

Our Governing Council is committed to hold to and promote our school values of Perseverance, Respect, Integrity and Creativity in all that we do. We wish you all the best for 2022.

If you wish to take part in the online meeting, please send your preferred email address to include your name and the name of your student/s and a link will be provided to you the day before the meeting.

See you online at the AGM!

 Take care.

Leon Tymko, VHHS Governing Council Chairperson

Free maths tutoring for year 7, 8 and 9 students

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are invited to level up their maths skills with the help of a free online tutor, through the Learning+ program. 

The program provides students with one-to-one online tutoring for 30 minutes, twice a week for 10 weeks.

Tutors are qualified teachers with experience teaching maths in the Australian Curriculum. They are committed to understanding each student’s individual needs and facilitating tailored sessions.

The sessions are via Microsoft Teams, so your child can participate at home. You can nominate times for tutoring which best suit your home routine.

This opportunity is available as our school nominated to participate in the Department for Education’s Learning+ program and is free of charge to participants.

Impact of tutoring program

Tutoring sessions can help students increase their confidence in maths or give them an extra challenge.

The program has received positive feedback, with 97% of parents reporting an improvement in their child’s maths confidence.

One parent shared their experience, “the tutor was so patient with my daughter and helped her progress with her maths problem solving, doing exercises very relevant to what she is doing at school. I feel we were very lucky to have been part of this program.”

How to enrol

To enrol your child for tutoring, complete the online form on the Learning+ website before 9 March 2022

Fleurieu Films award for VHHS team

Four student films were entered into The Fleurieu Film festival late last year.  Last week we had the privilege of attending the official screening of the finalists where Victor Harbor High School’s students Caisey Stenhouse, Astrid De Rosa, Kayla Lang, Kaitlin Tanner, Grace de Carle, Declan Bagnall and Jaz Hawkes were awarded the Daniel Roach award for best Fleurieu School film production with their film “Controlled Chaos”.  Two other student films “Leap” and “The Australian Dream” were given an honorable mention.  Congratulations all!

SANFLW selections include VHHS students

Jaimee Millard, Maya Overall, Breanna Maynard and Alissa Brook have been training with South Adelaide Football Club’s SANFLW team and have been selected onto the teams list. Massive achievement for girls aged 16-17 to be playing in the SANFLW and 4 of them are from our school.


What a fantastic set of ambassadors!

Not just within the area of women’s sport, but also as role models and representatives of VHHS.

 Congratulations Mr Hartley and the wider Specialist Sport team who have cultivated and supported their talent, both on the ground and in the classroom.

Most of all best wishes to the players themselves who are continuing to break new ground for those to follow. Adie Conley, Principal VHHS

Welcome to VHHS information for 2022

Dear Students and Families of Victor Harbor High School

 Welcome to 2022! I am so looking forward to working with you as Principal this year and hope to build on the many positive relationships formed during my time as Deputy.

This has certainly been a complex and unusual start to the year, but our staff are available and happy to support as your students begin their learning – here on site or remotely.

A reminder that on site learning begins 2 Feb for students in years 7, 8, and 12.

 Staff will be manning the gates near the Recreation Centre and Oval entrances to welcome our year 7 and 8 students and direct them to their House areas.

Year 12 students are invited to go directly to their Year 12 area.

Other students 9-12 newly enrolled will be directed to our Administration Office to be shown to the relevant area.

 All other year levels will access their learning remotely until Monday 14 February.

 Vulnerable students and those of essential workers in year 9-11 are very welcome to attend site, however normal face to face classes will not be running.

Students will be supervised in our Research Centre and access the same online learning program as others in their class.

 Further information and updates are always available via our website.

 Please keep connected and let your students House teacher know if further information or support is needed.


Adie Conley - Principal

VHHS Year 7 and 8 IT start of year requirements

Happy new year and a big welcome to our new students starting at Victor Harbor High School in 2022.

 Just a quick note regarding some of the start to the year procedures with our IT systems for our new students. VHHS is a BYOD (bring your own device) school.

 During Week 1, we are running an orientation program for our new students, part of which will include sessions with our IT staff that will support students through the process to access our IT system. This will include access to the full Office 365 suite of learning tools.

 Please make sure your students bring their devices during Week 1 as these sessions will be on a rotational process to support the double intake of students in 2022. If you need more information on which type of device to purchase, please head to our website and find the BYOD tab


VHHS 2022 Year 9 to 11 students – Remote Learning Information and Support

Welcome back to the 2022 VHHS school year

As has been circulated via the school website, Facebook and Instagram pages, you will be aware of the plan for staged return to school for the first two weeks of Term 1.

Years 9, 10, and 11 students accessing online learning are expected to engage meaningfully with their learning as outlined in the VHHS Teaching and Learning Guide available on our school website. Students of essential workers, or those who are vulnerable, are welcome at school, where they will be supervised as they complete their remote learning program.

To support Year 9 to Year 11 students who will be learning remotely, VHHS House Teachers will be contacting each family very soon. The focus of their initial contact with you will be to introduce themselves and outline their role. They will provide you with their contact details which may include calling the school, email and Daymap. House Teachers will be your first point of contact at the school. They will be able to help answer your questions/concerns and provide further support.

Families with Year 9 to Year 11 students new to VHHS will receive individual emails with their log in details for Daymap and Microsoft 365. If new students or those existing VHHS students who have purchased new devices and need IT assistance to connect to VHHS, please email or phone (08) 8551 1932 for an appointment.

We encourage you to reach out and have regular communication with your child’s House Teacher to promote positive connections between home and school.

Start of 2022 school year - SA GOV information

Information obtained from SA GOV Facebook site:

 The start of the 2022 school year has been adjusted to minimise the peak of COVID cases and help keep our community as safe as possible.

The new staged return to school prioritises face-to-face learning for our littlest learners – preschoolers, receptions and year 1s, who would find online learning a big challenge. Our year 2 through to 6s will learn online during those first 2 weeks.

It’s the first year of secondary school for our year 7 and 8 students, and an important final year for our year 12s – all will be welcomed back face-to-face. Our year 9, 10 and 11 students will learn online.

We’re planning to have all year levels back in school, learning face-to-face on Monday 14 February 2022.

Parents who are required to attend work and don’t have appropriate supervision for their child can choose to send their child to school and preschool throughout this two week period, including the preparation days. Children in vulnerable situations will also be able to come to school and preschool.

2022 VHHS Student Timetable queries

Thank you to all those who have contacted the school seeking information related to your published timetables via our learner management system.

For students who wish to make changes or seek further information please be aware that there are limited staff available at present to support your requests. It is recommended that you meet with your House Leader during Week 1 to find a positive solution to your query.