2022 Parent Survey - closes 28 August

Reminder: the 2022 parent survey closes Sunday 28 August 
The 2022 parent survey is a great opportunity to get valuable insights from parents at our school. 
Across South Australia over 16,000 parents respond to the survey.
Please participate in this important survey, using the unique link that has been emailed or texted to you directly. 
Parents can find more information at www.education.sa.gov.au/parentsurvey 
If you have any questions or feedback, you have been invited to email the Parent Survey team at  education.parentsurvey@sa.gov.au 
Kind regards 

Parent survey team | System Performance
Department for Education | 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
| e education.parentsurvey@sa.gov.au | w www.education.sa.gov.au/parentsurvey

VHHS Subject Counselling Process for 2023

Dear Parent/Caregiver

 Subject Counselling Process for 2023

Monday 8 August to Friday 12 August (Week 3), all students Year 8-11 will be making their subject preferences for 2023.

 Students in Year 7: have set curriculum of all areas and are not required to undertake subject counselling, and are not required to book a subject counselling appointment.

Students in Year 8:
are not required to book a subject counselling appointment. Hardcopy selection forms will be sent home allowing families time to discuss the options available. Students then finalise their choice subject preferences on the hardcopy form and return via House Teachers by Friday 19 August.

 Student in Years 9-11: A specialist counselling team will guide students and families in this process through individualised Subject Counselling appointments throughout week 3 Monday 8 August to Friday 12 August.

 To book an individual Subject Counselling appointment, please visit Daymap, click on the link provided at the top of your Home page and follow the steps. This booking system will open from Friday 29 July. If you are having any difficulty with this process, please contact the school for assistance. Please note: Interview staff will vary depending on availability.

 Students on program at the Wellbeing and Transition Hub: will be contacted by Wellbeing Coaches to discuss subject selections.

 Students within our Special Education Sub School: may also choose subjects at this time. This will be negotiated through student’s House Teachers.

 Families of students with current One Child One Plans will be contacted individually to align updating of these plans with suitable subject selection appointments.

 For successful transition into the next year of study, it is crucial students choose an appropriate program of subjects that aligns with their future pathway. Prior to subject counselling, we ask that students and families inform themselves about subjects on offer and consider these in context with appropriate advice and guidance on individual situation.

 Further information about specific subjects can be found in the 2023 Curriculum Handbook, available on our website www.vhhs.sa.edu.au. This provides students and families information on courses and subjects offered in 2023. Please read this thoroughly, as it gives the most up-to-date information regarding subjects and requirements, as well as outlining compulsory SACE patterns. If you have any difficulty accessing this booklet, please contact Administration for assistance on 8551 1900.

 We greatly value your input and families are strongly encouraged to attend this opportunity to discuss and approve student subject preferences. Interviews will be conducted within the school's Research Centre. Please park in the Recreation Centre carpark, and follow the signs to appointment location.

 As always, the choices made by students in Subject Counselling will provide the structure for staffing processes. It is vital that students seriously consider their subject preferences, as subjects delivered in 2023 will initially be determined by selections.

 We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this next stage of your student's learning.

 Yours sincerely

 Adie Conley, Principal

25 July 2022

Daymap Changes from 12 July 2022

Daymap changes over the holidays.  We moved to the Daymap Cloud on Tues 12/7/2022.  From that date, there is a change to the way you log in to the Daymap Parent Portal.

 We have updated our Victor Harbor High School website - https://www.vhhs.sa.edu.au/daymap  - with instructions on how to access the new Daymap Parent Portal.

 From 12/7/2022 there will be a new URL for the Daymap Parent Portal: https://vhhs.daymap.net/daymapconnect

 For any parents with the Daymap Mobile app, you will have to reconfigure your app to use this new URL.

Learn more

End of Term 2 - Message from VHHS Principal

Dear students and families

We have certainly experienced yet another busy and (at times) disrupted term.

Thank you to all families for your ongoing communication and connection to your school during this period.

Staff especially valued the discussions in Parent-Teacher meetings, and we hope that this has continued to support and grow student learning.

This term has also included numerous other key events such as: NAPLAN testing, Diversity Week, Stage 2 Conference, Reconciliation Week, Year 7 Music Performance, Mid-year Exams, Learning Intensives, NAIDOC community events, and our first Year 10 Work Experience Week.

In addition, there have been a wide range of Camps, Excursions, and Activities which continue to engage and support students in their learning and personal development.

We hope these have been valued and enjoyed by your children.

At this time, I would also like to acknowledge our staff for their ongoing efforts which have kept us running so well.

This includes our fabulous team of Contract and Relief Staff – teaching and ancillary - who continued to support our school when staff were off site.

Next term begins Monday 25 July and will include more exciting events beginning with our School Musical, and student Subject Counselling for 2023.

Further information will be forwarded to families’ early next term.

Until then I wish you all a safe and enjoyable break.


Adie Conley


Student Leadership Recognition - Congratulations Elsie

Congratulations to VHHS Year 12 Student Leader Elsie S.

Elsie is 1 of 10 South Australian students invited to attend the upcoming United Nations National Conference being held in Adelaide.

Elsie has been recognised throughout the year as a worthy student leader, attending several youth conferences relating to topics such as International Justice.

M&S charge rebate information - letter to families

Dear Families

Governing rebate for 2022 M&S charge – your options

As you may be aware the Government has issued eligible families with a $100 rebate to go towards their 2022 M&S charges. Eligible families should have received a credit note by post. If you have not yet completed paying your M&S fees it will automatically be applied to this outstanding charge.

Please Note: Families eligible for school card are not entitled to the rebate as they are not required to pay school fees.

If you have already paid your 2022 M&S fees the following options are available to you.

  1. Leave the credit in your account and this will be applied automatically to your 2023 M&S charge along with an additional $100 government rebate that will be issue early January 2023, no further communication required.

  2.  Leave it in your account to go towards extra-curricular activities for the remainder of the year. The balance will then be transferred and taken off of 2023 M&S charge. If choosing this option, you will need to email dl.0799.finance@schools.sa.edu.au with details of your child/ren and your request.

  3.  The third option is to request a refund of $100.00. For this option you will need to email dl.0799.finance@schools.sa.edu.au with details of your student and your bank details so the payment can be transferred electronically.


If you have any queries regarding the Government rebate please call finance on 85511907 or alternatively email dl.0799.finance@schools.sa.edu.au

Kind Regards

 Kathy Mathews, Finance Officer and Adie Conley, Principal                                                                  

UniSA Webinar - Admissions Process Info

Dear Students and Parents

If you want to get in early UniSA have a webinar on 27 June showing how to choose preferences and more- see below.

Go to: https://unisa.edu.au/.../webinar-applying-to-unisa-and.../

Webinar: Applying to UniSA and ordering your preferences

Wednesday 27 July 2022

5.30pm - 6.30pm (ACST)

This webinar will provide an overview of the admissions process including:

• Applying via the SATAC website

• How to order preferences

• Checking and confirming Year 12 results (including adjustment factors)

• Responding to an offer

Registrations open soon

Operation Flinders Fundraising Night - 16 July 2022

Operation Flinders is fast approaching and our 2022 funding partners, Harcourts, will be hosting a trivia quiz night at Victor Harbor Golf Club on Saturday July 16.

Tickets can be purchased at trybookings, through the link below.


A former participant on one of the first Operation Flinders exercises in 1992 will be speaking on the night. She is now a Senior Research Fellow at Phoenix Australia Centre of Posttraumatic Mental Health, and Adjunct Fellow in the Discipline of Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide, specializing in research into the effects of and recovery from trauma. This is a great example of the positive results the Program can have on students lives. There will also be a parent from a more recent trek, speaking about how the Program has positively impacted their wider family.


100% of the proceeds raised from this evening will go directly to sending our students on the Operation Flinders Program in August.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Adie Conley – Principal

Materials and Services Charge - $100 Rebate to eligible parents

Hi parents, caregivers and independent students,

 You may have read about the state government’s initiative to provide a $100 discount on both the 2022 and 2023 Materials and Services Charge. I am pleased to provide you with a letter signed by the Premier and the Minister for Education, Skills and Training. The letter provides additional information about the initiative.

 You can access the letter via this link: www.education.sa.gov.au/sites/default/files/letter-from-premier-and-minister-materials-services-charges-7-june-2022.pdf

 You don’t need to do anything at this stage. We will be processing the discount or rebate as a matter of priority, however there are preparations that we need to make. We will provide you with additional information shortly.

Adie Conley, Principal

SA School Sport Mountain Bike Cross Country - 9 May 2022

SA School Sport Mt Bike cross country event was held last Friday at Craigburn Farm. VHHS had 3 teams compete in the grueling event where teams were to complete as many laps as possible in the 2.5.hr time frame.  Congratulations to all riders and their parents. It was a top day out. Our top placed year 7 team finished a respectable 23rd from 82 teams.

VHHS End of Term One and Student Reports

Dear Families

The start of 2022 has certainly been a challenge but there were also some fantastic highlights, with students taking part in:

Sports Day, Harmony Day, Student Leadership and Environmental Conferences, the Arts Big Day In, guest speaker events, and a range camps, excursions, and interschool sporting events and many more.

I hope that your child has taken away some positive memories of these especially for our new students and those joining us in year 7 and 8.

 However, changing COVID regulations and high levels of student/staff absences did result in a disrupted term for many in our community.

I wish to thank you for the way families and students continued to work with staff to ensure we were informed, and most importantly that learning kept progressing.

 Due to the high level of staff absence in the past 3 weeks student reports will now be distributed at the start of term 2.

This will enable our teachers to make solid judgements on your child’s growth ready for our ‘Parent Teacher Meetings’ scheduled for next term, Monday week 4 (23 May 2022).

More information will come to all families in week 1 along with your students Term 1 Report.

 A reminder that Thursday finishes at 2:15pm aligning with local school end of day times.

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable Easter break and look forward to welcoming all students back to site at the start of next term – Monday 2 May.

Adie Conley, Principal