2014 Has Begun.
/Ancillary and teaching staff were all at work today and underwent a full day of meetings so everything will be ready for Tuesday 28th January. Tomorrow (Friday 24th January) we will all undertake professional learning in IT so we are more familiar with remote Daymap and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategies.
This year we have close to 90 staff and over 750 students. Our year 12 results were pleasing and have shown improvement from previous years which is most heartening. This data will be published in the Annual Report. Programs and approaches we began in earnest during 2012 have continued to grow and flourish and these will continue in 2014. Examples include all teachers constructing a Common Assessment Task, getting student feedback, measuring the learning improvement through the implementation of pre and post testing and moderating students final products to ensure an "A", "B" & "C" are consistent across the subject and year level. FLO and DOC are other examples of flourishing programs.
We have several new staff joining us this year and I warmly invite you to meet both old and new at a whole school Acquaitance Evening on Tuesday February 11th. This event is intended to be informal (different to previous years). There will be a barbecue available for those who would like to share some time with the staff and members of the Governing Council more informally. We will also run mini information sessions covering various aspects of the school. It is an opportunity to briefly meet with your child's subject and mentor teachers and perhaps arrange a meeting for a longer chat. You will receive more details about this closer to the time.
Until Next Time .........